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Using AD FS as Identity Provider


You have to meet the following requirements to use AD FS (Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services) as identity provider:

  • Windows Server 2016 or 2019

  • AD FS version Windows Server 2016 or later

  • AD FS is activated

    Server Manager AD FS

Configuring AD FS

Creating the Server Application Role

The following instructions show the steps using the example of SEAL Operator. They are identical for other clients.

  1. Open the AD FS Management Console.

    AD FS Management Console

  2. Open Application Groups.

    AD FS Application Groups

  3. Select Add Application Group....

  4. In the Add Application Group... dialog specify the client name:

    Here SEAL Operator.

  5. In the Template section, select the Server application template.

    Proceed with Next.

    AD FS Wizard Welcome

  6. In the server application dialog, specify the Redirect URI:

    Here https://localhost:3000 and https://<operator_server_name>:3000


    <operator_server_name>: server on which SEAL Operator is installed. The server has to be reacheable by both, users and AD FS server.

    Hint - memorize the ID

    Memorize the ID displayed in Client Identifier. You will need it later to configure SEAL Operator (AUTH_CLIENT_ID).

    Add a description, if required and proceed with Next.

    AD FS Wizard Server Application

  7. In the Configure Application credentials dialog, tick Generate a shared secret.

    Hint - memorize the secret

    Save the generated secret by copying. You will need it later to configure SEAL Operator (AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET).

    Proceed with Next.

    AD FS Wizard Application Credential

  8. Finish the configuraton with Close.

Hint - repeat for each client

You have to repeat this for each required client:

  • easyPRIMA
  • PLOSSYS Administrator
  • PLOSSYS Infoclient
  • SEAL DocPrint
  • SEAL Print Client/SEAL Operator

Adding a Web API to the Application

The application requires a Web API, in which permissions can be specified for the clients.

The following instructions show the steps using the example of SEAL Operator. They are identical for other clients.

  1. In the Properties dialog of the application group, click Add application... to start the wizard.

    AD FS Application Group Properties

  2. Select Web API and proceed with Next.

  3. In the Configure Web API dialog, specify the name.

    In Identifier, specify the same identifier as in Client Identifier in the Server application dialog above:

    Here f20d7f7b-6e78-4259-a796-85946aeaaa27

    Add the identifier to the Identifier list and proceed with Next.

    AD FS Add Identifier

  4. In the Apply Access Control Policy dialog, select Permit everyone, since the SEAL Operator services have to authenticate themselves.

    Proceed with Next.

    AD FS Access Control

  5. In the Configure Application Permissions dialog, configure the scopes that can be used by the Web API.

    For SEAL Operator, tick the following Permitted scopes:

    • email
    • openid
    • profile

    Proceed with Next.

    AD FS Configure Claims

  6. Finish the configuraton with Close.

Configuring Transform Rules

Configure the transform rules in order to retrieve all necessary information for the clients from the JWT token.

The following instructions show the steps using the example of SEAL Operator. They are identical for other clients.

  1. In the application group dialog, double-click the Web API or select the Web API and select Edit....

  2. Change to the Issuance Transform Rulestab.

    AD FS Transform Rules

  3. Open the wizard with Add Rule ....

  4. In the Select Rule Template dialog, select Send LDAP Attributes as Claims and proceed with Next.

    AD FS Select Rule Template

  5. In the Configure Rule dialog, specify a name for the rule, for example names, since user names are mapped here. ??? WAS HEISST DAS?

    AD FS Configure Rule

  6. In Attribute store, select Active Directory.

  7. Configure the mapping table as follows:

    LDAP Attribute Outgoing Claim Type
    Given-Name Given Name (Vorname)
    Surname Surname (Nachname)
    objectSid Name ID (Namens-ID)
    User-Principal-Name preferred_username (angegebener Name)

    Hint - rewiew settings

    You may review the settings in the AD FS Management Console in Service - Claim Description Folder.

  8. Open the wizard again with Add Rule ....

  9. In the Select Rule Template dialog, select Send Claims Using a Custom Rule and proceed with Next.

    AD FS Select Custom_Rule Template

  10. In the Configure Rule dialog, specify a name for the rule:

    Here subforccf.

    AD FS Configure Custom Claim Rule

  11. In the Custom rule field, specify the rule as follows:

    c:[Type == "", Value == ""] => issue(Type = "", Value = "<client_id>");


    <client_id>: Client Identifier of the Application,

    here f20d7f7b-6e78-4259-a796-85946aeaaa27)

  12. Finish the configuration with Finish.

Exporting the JWT Certificate from the Client

SEAL Operator needs to verify the JWT tokens from the AD FS server. Therefore, you need the public part of the certificate that the AD FS server uses for signing the tokens.

  1. In the AD FS Management Console, open Service/Certificates.

    AD FS Service Certificate

  2. Export the certificate to a .CER file with Base-64 encoding. You will need later for the configuration of the SEAL Operator part (ID_PROVIDER_CERT).

    AD FS Export Certificate

  3. In the AD FS Management Console, open Service/Endpoints and check the URLs for OpenID Connect. Here, you see the URL of the identity provider. You will need this information later for the configuration of the SEAL Operator part (AUTH_ISSUER_URL and AUTH_TOKEN_ENDPOINT).

    AD FS Endpoints

Literature - Configuring the SEAL Operator/SEAL Print Client part

For details on the configuration of the SEAL Operator/SEAL Print Client part, refer to SEAL Operator.

Hint - trouble-shooting - wrong client credentials

If the services encounter wrong client information or authentication issues, reset the client secret as follows:

  1. Open the properties of the application group.
  2. Open the properties of your server application type.
  3. In the Confidential tab, click Reset client secret.
  4. Reconfigure the client secret in SEAL Operator.

Caution - avoid connection problems

Make sure that you use Reset client secret, as using Create client secret instead will lead to connection problems.

AD FS reset secret

Hint - test credentials with a cURL call

For testing the credentials, call the token endpoint via a cURL call:

curl -X POST \
  <token_endpoint> \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -d 'grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=<client_identifier>&client_secret=<client_secret>'

Example - cURL call for testing the credentials

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -d 'grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=f20d7f7b-6e78-4259-a796-85946aeaaa27&client_secret=ZveeFKncasjTvkCVul7jS_d_SdlltJLgFeW2-4IU'

Configuring Roles

Several SEAL Applications support the concept of roles like admin or user. These roles need to be inserted in the access token. With additional Transform Rules you can configure AD FS to send custom claims based on the users group membership.

Example of Transform Rules (on a German Windows server)

Transform Rule Role

Example of the starting rule assistant to add a rule

Transform Rule Role Assistant

Caution - Roles in SEAL products

The claim names, e. g. "role", have to be configured in SEAL products too.

For example, the names configured in AD FS must match the names in the JWT_ROLES configuration property for SEAL Operator.

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